As with all things technical and otherwise in Tenebris, my ever-faithful jack-of-all-trades, Frighteneer handles all communications in and out of our dark world. He can relay information to all of the occupants of Tenebris, including myself. He can also arrange direct communications with you and anyone you need to specifically talk with.

Good old fashioned email! Such an old technology…but, reliable, none-the-less. Send us a message or a thought. Maybe a picture or a question. We pride ourselves on prompt replies here at Tenebris. We have so much to do in such little time but we always have time for our friends.

You are very welcome to call us. You will hear my voice on the recording as Frighteneer speaks out very rarely. You can leave a message and if you need a call returned, please let us know. For a quicker response, texting can also be employed on this number. We’re happy to banter with you and answer any questions or requests you may have.


Apparently, we are also on something called…Facebook…and are adding more social media things as we progress. “Things” is probably not the correct word for it. I’m getting too old for all of the new digital apparatus mumbo jumbo. Click below if you please. -Rosique

Tenebris on Facebook